Sunday, May 22, 2011

PS3-exclusive CoD: Black Ops double XP weekend announced

Call of Duty: Black Ops Logo

Activision mouthpiece Dan Amrich (and social media manager for the company) has got very philosophical over on the PlayStation Blog and announced that a lengthy Double XP weekend will begin today for Call of Duty: Black Ops ? exclusive to the PlayStation 3.

While PC and Xbox 360 gamers enjoyed similar treatment some weeks ago, PS3 owners were unfortunately left out of the fun due to that PlayStation Network downtime, but now Treyarch is making good on its promise to bring a new Double XP event to this breed of gamer.

Starting today (May 20th) at 10am Pacific (6pm GMT, 8pm South African), and ending on Tuesday (May 24th) at 10am Pacific (6pm GMT, 8pm South African), the Call of Duty: Black Ops Double XP weekend will provide you with the chance to earn twice as many experience points during an online multiplayer match than you would normally.

This news arrives on the back of a similar announcement for Killzone 3, so the question is, which game will you be playing this weekend to wrack up as many points as possible to rank up your character?

We expect to find out when PS3 owners will be able to get their collective hands on the Black Ops Escalation Map Pack “soon” as well, which will probably arrive some time after the PS Store is reported to go live on May 24th.


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