Friday, March 18, 2011

Print ? And Burn ? After Reading: It?s Time To Fight Back Against The Footer Fascists

You've seen them, I've seen them. We've all seen them. Those screamingly pompous email footers that IT departments append to millions - billions? - of emails every day, urging us to "Consider the environment!" before asking "Do you really need to print this email?" I think I can say, without fear of contradiction, that they are literally the most antisocial human innovation since McDonald's started giving away chewing tobacco with Happy Meals. Worse, they're so utterly pointless: never once in the - what? - two decades? - the messages have been plaguing our inboxes has a single soul ever heeded their message and considered the environment before printing. Most people don't print emails, and those who do, do. There is not a single tree still standing because some Dilbertesque corporate responsibility dickhead had nothing better to do with his time than to lecture total strangers on their obligations to mother earth. Enough is enough.


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