Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"Thumbs up for dual controls" declares latest PS Vita trailer

PS Vita Trailer

It’s been a while since Sony released a PS Vita trailer that emphasised one of its hardware features. The latest promotional trailer for the handheld focuses on how the Vita’s dual analog sticks make portable first-person shooters like Resistance: Burning Skies as compelling controls-wise as their console equivalents. “With one thumb it’s only half the console FPS experience,” the trailer pronounces.

Take a look below:

The advert can also be interpreted as taking a dig at the 3DS’ lack of a second circle pad - an omission that gamers appear to be divided over in terms of whether Nintendo should have included one with its upcoming 3DS XL.

What’s your opinion on the matter? Are dual analog sticks something no portable gaming platform should be without or is the 3DS’ current control scheme fine as it is. Let us know your view in the comments!

Source: http://feeds.el33tonline.com/~r/el33tonline_blog_rss_feed/~3/Ee9XHlylCag/

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