It’s time for another bit of time wasting and since nobody (or at least most of us) is working today, why not spend it playing Monkey Lander?
We all know that since monkeys were shot into space in the 60’s and 70’s they have bee striving to collect as much fruit as they can in their spaceships. Their favourite, bananas, are crucial for collection, but any other fruit will do.
It is your job to get all the bananas and as much of the other fruit as possible before they run out fuel.
Any game that can describe its entire gameplay in a single launch screen deserves a special mention. If you have ever played any ‘lander’ title, you will know what this game is about. The monkey’s little spaceship is manoeuvred with controlled blasts to slow it down and change direction. Each burst costs you coco-nut fuel, so use it wisely. Once all the bananas have been collected, safely land on a platform to progress.
The game is extremely simple and not overly creative, but watching that little monkey work the joystick and slap that button adds enough charm to make it into the Friday Freebie collection. Also, you just want to see him succeed and give you a fist pump at the end.
Monkey Lander is a lot of fun and will keep you busy for a short while.
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