Wednesday, September 7, 2011

El33tonline's Monday Kickstart Giveaway for September 5th!

Congratulations to Caveshen (CaViE) for winning Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters for Xbox 360!

Thanks to everybody for providing their answers for this week?s edition of the Monday Kickstart Giveway - be sure to come back next week for another quick-fire competition!

El33tonline Banner Logo

You know what’s fun? Getting free stuff to add an extra kick to your week, and that’s what we’re going to do again this Monday by giving everybody a chance to snag a free game!

You know what else is fun? Sitting down with a solid, enjoyable game, soaking in the visuals and just having a good time with your brain turned down low.

If you enjoy both of these things, then our latest Monday Kickstart Giveaway is for you!

Today we’re giving you the chance to pick up a copy of Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters for Xbox 360!

Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters Banner Image

Warren’s review of the game asked the question, “What could be more fun than snatching up the last evil robot while in mid air, spinning it around and sending it crashing into your ally?s spinning saw blades of awesome?”

What indeed!

If you would like a chance to receive Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters for Xbox 360, simply tell us:

“What new game release are you most looking forward to this week?”

You can find a handy list of these titles with our latest round-up of global releases over here - simply leave your answer below!

Have a great Monday everybody!

  • The El33tonline Team

(Please Note: This giveaway is for South African residents only.)


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