Tuesday, August 9, 2011

El33tonline's Gamescom Predictions: Anticipated Sony announcements

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Sony was hit hard earlier this year by the PlayStation Network hack and the resulting backlash against the PlayStation brand. Despite this, 2011 has been a bumper year for the company in terms of a number of triple-A exclusives being released for PlayStation 3. We’ve already enjoyed the likes of LittleBigPlanet 2 and inFAMOUS 2, but what about the games we’ve still got to look forward to this year such as Uncharted 3, Resistance 3 and Journey?

Sony will undoubtedly have a large presence at gamescom, and I know my fellow contributors can’t wait to see what the company shows off at the event. I put a list together of some of my hoped-for highlights and here it is for your reading pleasure.

Continue reading El33tonline’s editorial, El33tonline’s Gamescom Predictions: Anticipated Sony announcements.

Source: http://feeds.el33tonline.com/~r/el33tonline_blog_rss_feed/~3/GHnMuCdc6mY/

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